Lay Leadership
Our volunteer boards support our church and school staff leaders. They set policy, oversee finances and facilities and ensure that the church operations run smoothly to support our mission and ministries.
The Board of Directors (BOD) oversees the business aspects of the church, develops policies, and keeps an eye on the financial side of things. You would be a great person to join this ministry if you have a strong desire to be active in the church but also have an interest and skill in business. Organization, open-mindedness, and the ability to work on a team is key! BOD meets at least monthly all during the year. BOD members are elected by the congregation and serve for 2 year terms- they can serve for up to 6 years.
The Board of Elders (BOD) oversees the spiritual development and life of the congregation. The board has oversight of the Pastors. An elder is on duty at every service.
Parish School Ministry is the “school board” of the school. Our goal is to help and support the principal and staff. We also set tuition and help with the parent school handbook, we monitor enrollment numbers, review curriculum changes presented by staff, and other ad hoc things as needed.
The Finance Board keeps an eye on the financial side of things. You would be a great person to join this ministry if you have a strong desire to be active in the church, but also have an interest and skill in business and finance. Organization, open-mindedness, and ability to work on a team is key! The Finance board meets at least monthly all during the year. BOD members are elected by the congregation and serve for 2 year terms- they can serve for up to 6 years.