Senior High Youth Group - Underground
Senior High Underground is open to students entering high school through the summer after graduation. The group meets every Sunday night (excluding holiday weekends) during the school year for Sunday Night Underground. This is a great time of fun, fellowship and Bible study. The high schoolers have a variety of fun events throughout the school year as well, such as trips to Richardson's Corn Maze, Feed My Starving Children packing events, annual Turkey Bowl, Lock-Ins and more! Every summer, our youth go on a week long mission trip through Group Workcamps to make home repairs for those struggling financially. Every three years, we attend the LCMS Youth Gathering.
For more information or questions, please contact Jeff Kuester.
Junior High Youth Group - Lighthouse
Junior High Youth Group is open to students entering grade 6 through the summer of their 8th grade year. This group meets twice a month on Sunday evenings to learn more about Jesus and hang out together having fun.
For more information or questions, please contact Dari Hartmann.
Confirmation Grades 6-8
Confirmation is an opportunity for students in grades 6, 7, and 8 to look at the Lutheran understanding of God’s messages to us and to be challenged to explore what they think and believe. Confirmation ministry at Saint Paul involves parents, worship, service and memorizing God’s words. Confirmation is not a requirement. Students who complete confirmation are then confirmed in October of their 9th grade year.
6th Graders do a walk through the Bible from Genesis to the Early Church after Pentecost. Also included is the study of the Lord’s Supper, preparing students for their celebration of First Communion in the Spring.
7th and 8th grade students work through the Six Chief Parts of Luther's Small Catechism. Parents and students set aside approximately 15 minutes per week to work through a lesson in the Guided by Truth Confirmation Journal. At the end of each unit, participants gather to review the unit contents with a pastor.
All students are required to attend a minimum number of classes and worship services at Saint Paul during the year. Part of the vow students make is to be faithful in attending worship services and participating in the Lord’s Supper.
Confirmation registration opens in August each year,, and instruction classes follow the school year.
For more information or questions, please contact Dari Hartmann.
Crosswalk Sunday School
3 yrs - Grade 5
Crosswalk is our Sunday morning educational time for students 3 yrs to Grade 5. During our time together, students learn more about stories in the Bible and Christianity through activities and games. Crosswalk meets at the school building across the street from the church.
Kids Church
At Saint Paul, we love having kids in worship. We also know that sometimes our younger ones need a little break. Children ages 2 years old through 2nd grade are invited to join us for Kids Time where they will hear an age-appropriate lesson and share in games and crafts. Our secure registration is necessary, so please check in at the kiosk near the welcome center where an usher will be happy to assist you. Parents can pick up their children immediately following the worship service in our fellowship hall (Luther Hall).
For more information or questions, please contact Dari Hartmann.